Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is Shagbark Syrup Like Maple Syrup?

In a word: no.

Shagbark syrup is made from (surprise!) the bark of hickory trees, while maple syrup is made from the sap of maple trees.

You can read more about shagbark syrup here in an article by Jackie Sheckler Finch appearing in the 18-24 October 2009 issue of American Profile.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Annual Meetings for Syrup Producers

The 2009 North American Maple Syrup Council and International Maple Syrup Institute Annual Meetings will be held 22-25 October 2009 in Atlantic Oakes by the Sea Resort and Conference Center, Bar Harbor, Maine (hosted by the Maine Maple Producers Association). The meetings begin the evening of 22 October, and continue through a banquet on 25 October. A tour of northern Maine begins on 26 October.

There will be demonstrations, producer workshops and technical sessions, equipment displays and tours to interest everyone involved in maple, from the backyard producer to the largest producers, packers and wholesalers.

For more information, please contact either Robert Smith or Eric Ellis, or, go to the Maine Maple Producers website.